A few pics from the beginning of our trip!
Sleeping at the cafe! |
It became a game to see how many pics we could get of Clint sleeping! He slept no matter where we were! |
July 13...
Look at me!! 2 nights in a row! I am determined to journal this trip:)
I slept so good last night, despite the fair going on!
I woke up at 7:30am and showered, and oh goodness that was amazing! I got dressed & went to eat.
Breakfast of Eggs, Toast & Pineapple...and coffee:) Love me some Ugandan coffee, even though it was instant, it was still good!
I then did my devotional. Kari did a fabulous job at putting together a devotional especially for our trip, I really enjoy it, it gives me a fire to read more!
Something, I admittedly struggle with. Not the wanting to read, but knowing where to start, direction, and then I get overwhelmed.
I love just digging in and seeing things in a different way than before. Verses I always thought of as meaning on thing, sometimes renew its meaning to something more, essentially blowing my mind! I love it!
Once I finished it was time to go.
Jason, Kari and the Welcome Home Crew met us and we all went out to the Kagoma Gate Village.
Welcome Home is an orphanage that Kari & Jason have partnered with. They do a wonderful job of ministering to the kids and families, teaching songs and scriptures partnering with Jason & Kari as they minister medically, always reiterating the Love of Christ! Their calling to minister healing physically and spiritually is a beautiful thing!
Today we also had 3 other volunteers.
Drew, who is one of the founders of Sole Hope (www.solehope.com). His group treats jiggers, they clean feet and extract the jiggers, and are friends with the Segner's.
Another guy named Mike was also with them visiting, as well as a guy named Corey.
We took the long drive to Kagoma Gate and arrived to greetings of "Mzungu!" (meaning white person!)
We piled out of the van & began singing with the children, "I love you Jesus deep down in my heart!" Kari introduced our team, explained our mission for the day and we began organizing for the work ahead.
Our Mission:
The Healing Faith Malaria Prevention Program!
We split into 4 groups, and we each had a job.
Translater, Teacher, Sprayer (insecticide), and Net Hangers.
In our group I was a sprayer.
We gathered the heads of the household together, Kari taught them about malaria and what caused it, the symptoms, and even symptoms that were NOT malaria. She taught them about what we were doing to help prevent it, i.e.. hanging nets, spraying and gave them an incentive...Healing Faith would return in 3 months to check on them, and if they were still actively trying to prevent malaria (still had their nets and didn't sell them), then they would respray, replace nets as needed, and treat those who do contract malaria. We figured out an organized way to make it happen and moved quickly! We were able to pray with each household upon finishing, which was so awesome! Everyone was very welcoming, and I know that is because Kari & Jason have worked so hard to build relationships with the people in this village and they have built trust. I am so proud of them and blessed to have seen it first hand!
We as a whole were able to complete nearly 100 homes!
We left around 2pm, ate PB&J's on the ride home and then rested.
Jason came to pick us up again around fish, and we were fed an incredible meal by Apio.
Apio is the Segner's house keeper. One of the sweetest women you will meet!
She is quite the entrepreneur! She, with the help of the Segner's, have begun a catering business! So we had the pleasure of tasting her delightful meals!
Kari & Jason have really built an incredible friendship with her, it's awesome to see how they minister at every turn.
That night she made a beef stew that the whole team RAVED about for days! I have never been able to eat the meat prepared by Ugandans because it is usually tough...not this time! Apio has a gift!
After we ate we had a time of worship lead by Jessica and Tiffany, and then a time of reflection.
It was a good day!
Getting the insecticide poured into spray bottles |
Spraying the huts |
Kari teaching, and our sweet translator Lydia |
Cody & Drew hanging nets |
The beauty that is Kagoma Gate |
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